Ex Files with Jeremy Sutton: How to protect your inheritance during relationship troubles

The best thing you can do to protect your inheritance is to open a new bank account and have the inheritance paid into that account. No other transfers should be made into the account to ensure there is no intermingling with any relationship property funds, and it is important to be aware that any money […]
How to make the perfect pavlova

Whip to perfection The technique of whipping the egg whites is essential to achieving a perfect pavlova. Use a clean, dry bowl and whisk to prevent any grease from affecting the egg whites. Begin whipping at a low speed, gradually increasing to medium-high until soft peaks form. At this point, start adding the sugar gradually, […]
How to keep bread fresher for longer

Use a bread box A bread box provides an ideal environment for storing bread. It helps control humidity, allowing the bread to retain its moisture without becoming too soggy or too dry. Bread boxes also protect the bread from direct sunlight and excessive air exposure, both of which can accelerate staling. Freeze for long-term storage […]
The secret of their success: How to keep your cafe full and customers coming back for more

Browns Eatery co-owners Jenefer Bilkey and husband Dan Alderson have replicated their successful cafe formula in Kohimarama and Parnell. Photo / Dean Purcell Ask Bilkey why the Browns formula works and she takes time to ponder the question. She’s been so busy she hasn’t had much time to think about it. So many reasons, she […]