How to invest $100,000 when stocks are at all-time highs

As stock markets press against all-time highs driven by the potential of artificial intelligence, the question of how to invest $100,000 has become more urgent than ever. To shed light on this, CNBC Pro asked two seasoned investment professionals — Richard Flax, chief investment officer at digital wealth manager Moneyfarm , and Robert Matthews, deputy … Read more

How to invest in India, the world’s fastest-growing major economy

India has been dubbed the “perfect” emerging market to invest in, but it can be tricky for those outside the country to gain access. CNBC Pro assesses the case for buying into this booming economy, the risks to consider — and how global investors can get involved. India’s stock market has been making headlines this … Read more

How to know when this stock market bull run is over

With the S & P 500 making new highs seemingly every week and now up more than 25% from its October low, a common question from clients has been, “How long can this possibly continue?” No one knows that answer, but we’re going to cover three extremely important traits that the market must maintain for … Read more

How to invest $100,000 right now, according to the pros

Equity markets have had a good start to the year, with the S & P 500 benchmark crossing 5,000 earlier this month and Europe’s Stoxx 600 index hitting an all-time high . The benchmark 10-year Treasury yield , meanwhile, is hovering around 4% after topping 5% last October for the first time in 16 years. … Read more

How to construct your portfolio for maximum income in retirement

Attractive bond yields have been a boon for investors, such as retirees, who want to generate income from their portfolios. Yet, those who want to live off the income generated by their investments — without selling any stocks — may want to reconsider how their portfolio is set up. An efficient portfolio typically focuses on … Read more

How to play Japanese stocks, finally hitting a new high after 34 years

You think the S & P 500 at an historic high is something to celebrate? Imagine how the Japanese feel. Japan’s Nikkei 225 index , a price-weighted index of 225 Japanese stocks, has also hit an historic high. But unlike the S & P 500, which has been hitting historic highs regularly, it’s been 34 years … Read more

Here’s how to use exchange-traded funds in your portfolio, experts say

Morsa Images | Getty Images Whether you’re a new or a seasoned investor, exchange-traded funds, or ETFs, are one option for your portfolio, depending on your goals and risk tolerance, experts say.  ETFs are a wrapper for individual assets such as stocks and bonds, similar to mutual funds. However, many ETFs have better tax efficiency … Read more