How to rediscover joy at work in 2025

Our increasing levels of work disillusionment are correlated to a growing consciousness that we have more choices. What is harder to explain is what stops us from finding more fulfilling work. We found that the crux of being trapped in what we’ve dubbed a “Groundhog Career”, was a growing gap between the diversity of opportunities […]
How to start trading forex

Example Imagine you had a bearish – negative – view on the pound and wanted to sell it against the US dollar. Let’s say you decided to sell Monday morning and hold the trade until Friday evening when you closed the position. You can do this by short-selling the pound-dollar currency pair using a CfD […]
Why stress can cause a stroke and how to prevent it

How much exercise do you need to do to reduce stroke risk? Kwan suggests 20 minutes of moderate intensity exercise each day. “Get on the rowing machine, do yoga or run – it doesn’t matter so long as it makes you puff. Pilates is good, too: there’s a direct relationship between strength in your 40s […]
How to invest your money: investing basics

4. Choose an investment provider Once you know what you want to invest in, the cheapest way to do so is through an investment platform that allows you to open an Isa, Sipp or general investment account. Popular platforms include Fidelity, Hargreaves Lansdown, Interactive Investor and AJ Bell, but there are plenty of smaller firms […]
How to build serious muscle fast

To follow in the sandal-clad footsteps of Russell Crowe’s Oscar-winning performance of Maximus in Gladiator is not for the faint of heart. Nor the weedy of limb. Which is why Paul Mescal knew going from his brooding and bookish portrayal as Connell Waldron in the television adaptation of Sally Rooney’s Normal People to fearless, formidable […]
How to cook the perfect jacket potato in an oven

For the fluffiest centre, you need to begin with the right potato. I usually plump for large (200g-250g) Maris Pipers or King Edwards, which are easy to find and offer a wonderful, soft interior and crispy skin when baked well. I’m also keen to try the new Nemo potato, which is said to cook more […]
How to time travel your way back to Renaissance Florence

The first patrons to pit Raphael and Michelangelo directly against each other were the wealthy Florentine fabric merchant Agnolo Doni and his new young wife, Maddalena Strozzi. Soon after he came to Rome, they commissioned Raphael to paint their portraits against an idyllic Tuscan landscape. At the same time, they commissioned Michelangelo to make what […]
How to serve up a special supper for two

I had to cook meals that were special and put flowers on the table. I started to make a list of dishes that would be a treat but that didn’t require too much work. A bit of luxury – scallops, steak, wild mushrooms – was in order. A bowl of pasta, unless it was unusual […]
How to start trading – a guide for beginners

If a long-term “buy and hold” investment strategy isn’t for you, trading can provide a faster (albeit riskier) way of generating returns. Here, Telegraph Money, explains how to get started and the steps you can take to reduce risk. Trading is essentially buying and selling financial instruments with a view to making a profit, and […]
The dos and don’ts of LinkedIn etiquette

The response was brutal. “LinkedIn is a disease,” claimed @RossMcCaff, posting the comment on X (receiving 14,000 likes). “Horrible place. I feel soiled after about 5 minutes there. It’s all I can stand,” agreed another user. When I consult etiquette coach William Hanson, the author of Just Good Manners who runs his own etiquette training […]