How to shop for ‘fine’ wines without breaking the bank

Lambson’s Connect the Dots Blended Syrah 2021, 13.5%, Lay & Wheeler, £21.81 But top of my list these days, when it comes to South Africa, is chenin blanc. I don’t buy it as an alternative to chenin blanc from the Loire, though. I love the glittering thrust and nervosity of acidity of Loire chenin blanc, … Read more

How to explore the ‘lost’ waterways of the Midlands

You should never be in a hurry on the canals. I had nowhere particular to be before nightfall, as long as it offered a pleasant rural view and relative peace. In the end I moored not far above the locks, the M1 a white noise in the background, with a view of fields and oak … Read more

How to buy an island – and truly work remotely

Krolow is talking about islands such as Motu Teta Rangiroa in French Polynesia, which is on the market for just over £1.5m. If you told a child to crayon a picture of a private island, this palm-tree studded paradise is what they’d draw. Thanks to Starlink, owners can live on coconuts while trading shares on … Read more

How to survive the cruise ship dinner table

Picture this scene: with newly sanitised hands and an appetite as big as the QE2, you have been seated at a restaurant table where you will dine for the duration of your cruise. You’re then handed a printed card by the couple next to you. It reads: “Please do not smile or greet us at … Read more

How to stack your fridge and make food last longer

How to organise your fridge Have a clear-out Pick a day when your fridge is looking sparse and start with a good clear out, checking use-by dates and looking under lids for signs of mould. Whether food is still safe to eat once mould has appeared depends on the food – for example, if a hard … Read more

When is the next presidential election debate? How to watch Trump v Harris

The debate will be held on Tuesday, September 10. ABC is hosting the debate, which will be in the evening on primetime TV. The event will likely air live on ABC and be streamed to the 24/7 network ABC News Live, the ABC app and the ABC website. It is also set to be available … Read more

How to spider-proof your home

You may have noticed them scuttling across your laminate flooring, or dropping from the ceiling, fangs glistening, hairy legs outstretched, all eight of them. If they’re not in your home yet, they will be. They’re coming, and this year according to reports, some are as big as rats. It’s spider season. Arachnophobes, be afraid, be … Read more

How to avoid being a victim of crime, by the world’s top security expert

Kate Bright pickpocketed her friend on a Tube escalator recently, just to see how long it would take her to notice.  “She couldn’t believe how easy it was for me to do it,” says Bright.  Six-foot, blonde and the founder of Umbra International, Bright is one of the 6.8 per cent of women out of … Read more

How to dress everyone for the family wedding

Then one day, walking down Bond Street, I nipped into Dior – as you do. There it was: the Bar Jacket I’d always wanted, although not in navy as I’d imagined, but in a stunning, glow-uppy pink. As I live in separates, I could wear the jacket endlessly, with jeans, navy, black or cream trousers… … Read more