How To Systemize Your LinkedIn Like The Top 1%: Grow Your Profile Fast

How to systemize your LinkedIn like the top 1%: grow your profile fast getty Showing up to your laptop having to dream up every LinkedIn post from scratch is not the plan. Here’s the new plan: Follow a system to post consistently and watch the leads and opportunities flow in without the daily grind of […]

​​How To Be An Entrepreneur In The Age Of AI

​​How to be an entrepreneur in the age of AI getty The AI gold rush is here. Business leaders are scrambling, trying to figure out where they fit in this new world. Some entrepreneurs are going all in, working around the clock to master every tool. Others are paralyzed by analysis, waiting for the perfect […]

How To Be Happy As An Entrepreneur

How to be happy as an entrepreneur getty Running a business takes everything you’ve got. Most entrepreneurs push themselves to breaking point, skip meals and workouts, and believe the grind equals growth. But science tells us happiness comes from balance, not burnout. The most successful founders know this, and they protect their wellbeing like they […]

How To Start A Business Without Money In 2025

How to start a business with no money in 2025 getty Starting a business doesn’t require cash in the bank. You read that right. Plenty of business owners started with zero money down, because they got paid before they built anything. Your customers become your investors when you do this properly. First-time entrepreneurs without heaps […]

5 Ways ChatGPT Is Making You Lazy And How To Stay Sharp

5 ways AI could be making you less smart getty Your favourite AI assistant might be costing your cognitive ability. While ChatGPT helps you work faster and produce more, it could be dulling your mental edge. Using AI tools means instant answers and automated responses, but at what cost to your brain power? The goal […]

How To Be Wrong – A crash course in startup success

We were watching Ferrit, Telecom’s online shopping mall, turn into a slow train wreck – all while they spent millions on billboards, TV ads and even banners on Trade Me (we were happy to take their money). We were keeping a closer eye on Zillion, the first credible local Trade Me competitor to get any traction. Our […]

Why Most Personal Brands Will Fail, And How To Make Sure Yours Doesn’t

Why most personal brands will fail, and how to make sure yours doesn’t getty CEOs are writing newsletters. Accountants are making TikToks. Lawyers are starting podcasts. Your LinkedIn feed is full of people sharing their morning routines and business wins. Maybe you’re doing it too. You’re building a personal brand or thinking about starting one. […]

How To Play The LinkedIn Game Without Losing Authenticity

How to play the LinkedIn game without losing authenticity getty Brad is a bestselling author and top coach with a growing network. He wants to build his personal brand and show up on LinkedIn, but he doesn’t want to sell out or send selfies. For him, structuring a post and using a proven hook feels […]

How to Create Your Startup’s X-Factor

There are three key avenues to creating your X-Factor. Startup Club How can you make your startup stand out from the competition? Because it’s not enough to claim you’re different. To get an edge, you’ve got to show—not tell—consumers why you deserve their attention. In the book Start. Scale. Exit. Repeat. I share about how […]

How To Debrief Your Year Like A High Performing Founder

How to debrief your year like a high performing founder getty Most founders think a year-end review means checking revenue targets and setting new goals. They pull up old spreadsheets, tick boxes, and call it done. They miss the insights that could unlock massive growth. But you’re not most founders. You’re on a mission that’s […]