How to shallow your golf swing: A 3-step guide for better feels | How To

When you know how to shallow the downswing can improve contact with longer irons, increase consistency and boost swing speed—and now it’s even easier to learn with this step-by-step guide from Erika Larkin, one of Golf Digest’s 50 Best Teachers. Follow her three simple steps to find the slot and maximize your power and speed. […]

Your handicap is not a scoring average | How To

This article first appeared in Low Net, a Golf Digest+ exclusive newsletter written for the average golfer, by an average golfer. Have a topic you want me to explore? Send me an email at My favorite example of people not understanding handicaps is from the golf tournament I organized on my wedding day. Working […]

The secret to the perfect swing thought | How To

This article first appeared in Low Net, a Golf Digest+ exclusive newsletter written for the average golfer, by an average golfer. Have a topic you want me to explore? Send me an email at I am a sucker for a good swing thought. There are hundreds I’ve utilized over the years, many of them […]

How to avoid the mental ‘landmines’ of golf, with Dr. Bhrett McCabe | How To

Most of us are not blessed with the physical capabilities of the modern tour pro, but those limits don’t exist on the mental side. There is nothing preventing us from thinking like the best players in the world. Adopting an elite performance mentality takes practice and discipline. Before you dive in, you need to learn […]