How to reset a LUMIX camera

Performing a reset in the Setup menu will return most of the camera settings to their values at the time of purchase. The process of reset and the settings that are reset vary by model. Select your model from the list below to view model specific reset information. If your model is not listed Refer […]

How to Download Invoices – Expenses and Costs

The invoice type for the Alibaba Cloud Credit Customer is a Monthly Invoice, which means that your invoice is generated every month. It is a consolidated invoice that includes both Subscription fee and Pay-As-You-Go fee. You can go to the Account Overview page to see the invoices of the most recent three months. You can […]

Scared of saying the ‘wrong’ thing? Here’s how to reach out to people in hard times

Australians have been reporting increasing levels of psychological distress in recent years.  According to the Suicide Prevention Australia Community Tracker, over the past two years, more than 70 per cent of Australians have consistently reported feeling higher levels of distress than usual because of social and economic circumstances. Cost of living, family and relationship breakdown, […]

How to Read Nature Like a Compass

Navigation technology has been advancing for thousands of years. Before smartphone apps, we had a map and a compass. Before map and compass, we had tools that I couldn’t even begin to explain with weird names like “astrolabes,” “octants,” “sextants,” and something called the “black staff” (doesn’t that sound intimidating?). But even without those tools, […]

What Model Year is your Samsung TV?

Don’t remember the year your particular TV model was released? Knowing the model year of your TV will help you on seeing whether certain features on our pages are available for your TV. It will allow you to learn more about your TV or other models you may be interested in. First you will need […]

How to help a friend in a domestic violence relationship

If you think a friend or loved one might be experiencing domestic violence, not knowing exactly how to act or what to do to help can leave you feeling helpless. But friends and family can play a huge role in supporting loved ones facing these issues and helping them to safety. What’s the first thing […]

Opinion: How to tactically retreat on the carbon tax

Open this photo in gallery: A man pumps gas in Montreal on March 4, 2022.Graham Hughes/The Canadian Press Grant Bishop is the Calgary-based founder of KnightFork, which builds data-driven tools for carbon pricing and the energy transition. The federal government rightly followed through on raising the carbon price on April 1. However, with polling showing […]

How to Keep Your Loved Ones Safe From Financial Scams

As the guy in my family who writes for WIRED, I often act as tech support. When relatives want to know what phone to buy or why the Wi-Fi sucks in the back room, they ask me. I recently discovered that an elderly family member was being charged more than double what I pay each […]