How to improve your bracket and avoid the most common mistakes

Whether you’re cramming team stats, crunching numbers or studying the odds, building the perfect bracket for the NCAA Division I men’s basketball tournament is nearly impossible – a one in 9.2 quintillion chance, to be exact.“If you were to create one billion brackets per second and never repeat it, it would take you 300 million […]
Do You Really Want To Get Ahead? Don’t Be Afraid To Make Waves

. Pexels Somewhere, sometime, someone may have told you “don’t make waves.” Maybe you challenged an idea you thought needed closer examination. Maybe you proposed a solution that ran contrary to the thinking of everyone else in the room. In any event, someone may have urged you to simply go along with the status quo. […]
The secret of their success: How to keep your cafe full and customers coming back for more

Browns Eatery co-owners Jenefer Bilkey and husband Dan Alderson have replicated their successful cafe formula in Kohimarama and Parnell. Photo / Dean Purcell Ask Bilkey why the Browns formula works and she takes time to ponder the question. She’s been so busy she hasn’t had much time to think about it. So many reasons, she […]