How to eat your way through the streets of Southeast Asia

Eat. Sleep. Repeat. We were worried at first. That we’d get sick. That we’d spend days in servitude to the porcelain throne. But it never happened and I want you to be confident and empowered to do the same. Because of all the amazing sights, and sites, we visited, our night market ritual remains my […]
How to stick to your New Year financial goals with Hannah McQueen and Jacqui Maguire – The Prosperity Project with Nadine Higgins

Financial advisor and enableMe founder, Hannah McQueen, says there are crucial ingredients in successful financial plans, and commonalities in ones that fail. “The process has got to be as smooth as possible, which means you’ve got to be able to see progress easily, and often. People don’t see progress, which is why they fall off […]
Cold brew, hot summer: How to make the perfect iced coffee at home

Combine 1 cup of coarsely ground coffee with 4 cups of filtered water in a large jar or French press. Stir, cover, and let it steep at room temperature for 12–24 hours. Strain through a fine mesh sieve or coffee filter and store the concentrate in the fridge. To serve, dilute with water or milk […]
Debt snowballs and debt avalanches – how to pay ongoing costs in the New Year – Diana Clement

Advisers and mentors such as Lange are often contacted by people in the New Year who don’t know how they are going to pay for essentials. Some people will have overspent, while others may have been through relationship breakups over the summer and have no idea where to start to dig their way out of […]
The Ex-Files with Jeremy Sutton: How to handle the post-Christmas divorce

This is really important. While friends and family can provide valuable support, consider seeking counselling as well, either for yourself or as a couple. There was a time when counselling was seen as a sign of weakness, but now it’s widely accepted and even mainstream. Many couples attend counselling, and I highly recommend it. It […]
How to make the perfect pavlova

Whip to perfection The technique of whipping the egg whites is essential to achieving a perfect pavlova. Use a clean, dry bowl and whisk to prevent any grease from affecting the egg whites. Begin whipping at a low speed, gradually increasing to medium-high until soft peaks form. At this point, start adding the sugar gradually, […]
Roast vegetables: How to get the most out of them this winter

Timing and preparation Vegetables have varying cooking times. To ensure even cooking, cut vegetables into uniform sizes. Denser vegetables like potatoes and carrots may need a head start. Arrange them on a baking tray and roast for 10-15 minutes before adding quicker-cooking vegetables such as Brussels sprouts and cauliflower. Pre-boiling For particularly dense vegetables like […]
The secret of their success: How to keep your cafe full and customers coming back for more

Browns Eatery co-owners Jenefer Bilkey and husband Dan Alderson have replicated their successful cafe formula in Kohimarama and Parnell. Photo / Dean Purcell Ask Bilkey why the Browns formula works and she takes time to ponder the question. She’s been so busy she hasn’t had much time to think about it. So many reasons, she […]
Steve Braunias: Lessons on how to survive old age – NZ Herald

This is how actual old age begins: isolated from the wider community, unable to rely on tenuous connections. Robert Lowell's famous poem about his … Source link
How to protect your career after kids with ‘couple maths’ – Cooking the Books

Each week BusinessDesk and the NZ Herald’s Cooking the Books podcast tackles a different money problem. Today, it’s the longterm planning that can make a big difference to your finances. Hosted by Frances Cook. Having kids is a joy and delight, but often also a big hit to the finances, and even the career. It’s […]