Ex Files with Jeremy Sutton: How to protect your inheritance during relationship troubles

The best thing you can do to protect your inheritance is to open a new bank account and have the inheritance paid into that account. No other transfers should be made into the account to ensure there is no intermingling with any relationship property funds, and it is important to be aware that any money […]
How to rediscover joy at work in 2025

Our increasing levels of work disillusionment are correlated to a growing consciousness that we have more choices. What is harder to explain is what stops us from finding more fulfilling work. We found that the crux of being trapped in what we’ve dubbed a “Groundhog Career”, was a growing gap between the diversity of opportunities […]
Shark attacks: Expert’s advice on how to coexist in NZ waters this summer

“It’s just tragic. It’s the worst thing that can happen to a family, a person, or a community,” said shark expert Dr Riley Elliott. “While shark attacks are statistically improbable, they are always tragic and should not be undermined.” Kahukore-Dixon’s death was different from the other recent fatal attacks, as it happened in the remote […]
How to make the perfect pavlova

Whip to perfection The technique of whipping the egg whites is essential to achieving a perfect pavlova. Use a clean, dry bowl and whisk to prevent any grease from affecting the egg whites. Begin whipping at a low speed, gradually increasing to medium-high until soft peaks form. At this point, start adding the sugar gradually, […]
Kūmara: How to grow a bountiful crop – Kem Ormond’s vegetable garden

Kūmara need a frost-free growing season, so it’s best to plant them after the last frost date in your area. (around September to November) They usually take four to six months to mature. Kūmara is high in fibre providing essential nutrients including calcium and iron, it is a superfood of the garden and divine when […]
How To Make Doughnuts At Home – Eat Well Recipe

This recipe showcases delightful sugar-dusted doughnuts (made from scratch). These homemade doughnuts are simply the best. Fresh from the fryer and dusted in sugar, they are divine. You could inject jam or custard into them before dusting, but they certainly don’t need it. If your doughnuts are a little sticky, place the paper in the […]
How to break up with a friend – and why is it so hard to make new ones?

Unfollow. Cancel. Delete. If you want to know who (literally) doesn’t like you, just check your social media accounts. Consider on again, off again BFFs Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez. They met as child actors, starred together in Disney teen movies but then, adulthood. A Buzzfeed story on messy celebrity breakups breaks it down: “The […]
Roast vegetables: How to get the most out of them this winter

Timing and preparation Vegetables have varying cooking times. To ensure even cooking, cut vegetables into uniform sizes. Denser vegetables like potatoes and carrots may need a head start. Arrange them on a baking tray and roast for 10-15 minutes before adding quicker-cooking vegetables such as Brussels sprouts and cauliflower. Pre-boiling For particularly dense vegetables like […]