How to bake flawless scones every time

Secondly, the choice of raising agent matters. Self-raising flour can simplify the process, but a combination of plain flour and baking powder often yields better results. The general rule is to use about two teaspoons of baking powder per 225 grams of plain flour. For an extra lift, a pinch of bicarbonate of soda can … Read more

Business deans explain how to avoid going off key in meetings

Interested in more work-life content? Check out our weekly Careers newsletter. Sent out every Sunday afternoon. Yolande Chan, dean of McGill University’s Desautels Faculty of Management, sees meetings as something to orchestrate. You plan beforehand. During the meeting you must listen carefully, sensitive for off-key notes or orchestra members not fully contributing. You must bring … Read more

How to capture the northern lights on iPhone

How to capture the northern lights using your iPhone 11 or newer.(Davis Wells) BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (WBKO) – With the northern lights in the Kentucky sky Friday night, hundreds of photos were sent capturing the amazing spectacle. If you didn’t see them in the night sky last night, you can see them again Saturday night … Read more

How to Save a Billion Hours

The average American spends 6 hours, 58 minutes a day on the internet. That adds up to 536.55 billion hours a year for all of us. We could save billions of hours by addressing inefficiencies introduced mostly by lawyers and politicians: • Accepting and rejecting cookies. Most people don’t even know what cookies are when … Read more

How to Keep Time: Leave Work Time at Work

Before laptops allowed us to take the office home and smartphones could light up with notifications at any hour, work time and “life” time had clearer boundaries. Today, work is not done exclusively in the workplace, and that makes it harder to leave work at work. Co-hosts Rashid Rashid and Ian Bogost examine the habits … Read more

How to Keep Time: How to Waste Time

Co-hosts Becca Rashid and Ian Bogost explore our relationship with time and how to reclaim it. Why is it so important to be productive? Why can it feel like there’s never enough time in a day? Why are so many of us conditioned to believe that being more productive makes us better people? The following … Read more