Ukrainian Troops Have Figured Out How To Destroy Russian Turtle Tanks

A destroyed Russian turtle tank. Via social media In early April, a new kind of Russian armored vehicle crawled onto the battlefields of Russia’s 27-month wider war on Ukraine: the “turtle tank”—a T-62, T-72 or T-80 tank with add-on metal shells made of roofing material, grates and mesh. As weird as they look, turtle tanks … Read more

How to turn Trump against Russia? Ask Poland’s President Duda. – POLITICO

But jokes aside, Duda’s meeting coincided with a shift in Trump’s and Republican policy on aiding Ukraine. Within a day of the meeting, Trump, who previously spoke favorably of Putin and blamed Ukraine for his own political woes, took to his social media platform to declare: “As everyone agrees, Ukrainian Survival and Strength should be … Read more

Biden, Trump differ on how to end war in Ukraine

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, divisions have arisen in Congress over sending military aid to Kyiv. VOA’s Senior Washington Correspondent Carolyn Presutti explains how the two presidential frontrunners differ on how to handle the war. VOA footage by Mary Cieslak and Adam Greenbaum. Source link

How to ‘Trump proof’ the transatlantic relationship? – POLITICO

“It’s been very successful,” said Daniel Mullaney, the former top U.S. negotiator on trade issues with Europe, of the TTC. “We’ve had high-level attention, including at the presidential levels, on all of these issues. That’s kept the momentum going.” The question now is what happens if Trump wins back the White House in November. Even … Read more

How To Lose A Russian Tank Regiment In Just a Few Hours

A Ukrainian anti-tank missile strikes a Russian 6th Tank Regiment vehicle. Ukrainian air-assault forces capture As Russian regiments occupied the ruins of Avdiivka, a former Ukrainian stronghold in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk Oblast, and then continued attacking toward the west, one key Russian unit waited. The 6th Tank Regiment was the 90th Tank Division’s operational reserve—its … Read more

Russia doubles down on Ukraine war while EU leaders are divided on how to finance weapons – POLITICO

But they disagreed on the bigger picture of a grand push for European financing of weapons to Ukraine, for example through defense bonds. The possibility of EU joint bonds is backed by France, Estonia, Poland and others but strongly opposed by the more frugal countries, such as Germany, The Netherlands and Austria. The discussion in … Read more

Western allies split over how to make Putin pay  – POLITICO

It’s a plan that U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration is backing heavily but so far Europe’s most powerful governments in Paris, Berlin and Rome are unconvinced. Washington policymakers are piling pressure on their allies to ditch their hang-ups over what would be an unprecedented step fraught with legal, ethical and political difficulties. “It’s never been … Read more

How to hold Ukraine over until Congress passes more aid funding

Without U.S. aid, Ukraine cannot defend its current lines, let alone liberate more territory, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy warned on Sunday, shortly after Kyiv’s troops were forced to withdraw from the eastern city of Avdiivka amid a severe ammunition shortage. Yet the House Republican leadership is still refusing to consider, much less pass, further security assistance … Read more

Destroy 4,500 Vehicles A Year For Two Years

60-year-old Russian T-62 tanks in Ukraine. Via social media With its economy on a war footing and mothballed factories coming back online, Russia now is generating around 4,500 armored vehicles a year for its 470,000-person invasion force in Ukraine. That’s one finding of a new study from the Royal United Services Institute in London. 4,500 … Read more

Here’s how to help solve Ukraine’s drone shortage problem

Drones and other unmanned systems are a “central driver” of the Russia-Ukraine war, Kyiv’s top general observed in an op-ed published this month. In terms of battlefield innovation, Ukraine’s “number one priority” is the “mastery of an entire arsenal of (relatively) cheap, modern and highly effective, unmanned vehicles and other technological means,” he wrote. By … Read more