‘Choose what you want most over what you want now’ – The Irish Times

Discipline – it doesn’t sound like much fun, does it? It can conjure ideas around rules and restrictions. But discipline can be a good thing, says personal development expert Moira Geary. Discipline can set us free. “Discipline can be described as choosing between what you want now and what you want most,” says Geary. Sure, … Read more

maintain a consistent sleep routine, get to bed early and down screens – The Irish Times

Got a lot on at work? Or maybe you’re worried about a loved one, about money, or you’ve had a fight with a friend? These are just some of the things that can make us feel stressed. It’s not a nice feeling. “When we get stressed, we can have a physiological response. Hormones are released … Read more

firstly, identify what causes you to reach for the biscuits – The Irish Times

Feeling a bit meh? You might find yourself cruising the kitchen cupboards for the solution. A pint of ice cream, a tube of crisps, some cake? The trigger for this mindless munching isn’t hunger, it’s your emotions. “We don’t always eat to satisfy physical hunger. Emotional eating is using food to make yourself feel better,” … Read more

‘Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it’ – The Irish Times

Disrespect – it can come from complete strangers or close friends. Partners, parents, children, colleagues, friends and strangers can sometimes make us feel disregarded. And we can do it to them too. Did a stranger skip the queue? Has someone who should be helping ignored you? Is a friend always late? Or maybe a loved … Read more