How to sleep better while traveling, from jet lag hacks to amenities

There’s no place like home — except maybe a cozy bed when you’re on vacation. A whopping 66.7% of Americans say they sleep better when they’re in a hotel, according to Hilton’s 2025 Trends Report, which may be part of why sleep tourism is on the rise. “We travel to be inspired, but I wager, […]
Video: Tips on how to enjoy running

There are record applications for marathons. So why do I hate running? Running is more popular than ever, but CNN health writer Madeline Holcombe can’t get past loathing it. After seeking advice from an Olympian, she spent one month preparing for a local 5k race. Source link
How to avoid ‘choice overload’

Do you ever wonder just how many decisions you make every day? It’s about 35,000 for the average adult, according to researchers. And that estimate only factors in your conscious choices. From simple decisions like what to eat to major ones like where to live, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the wealth of options. […]
4 ways your workplace encourages toxic productivity—and how to fix it

It’s normal and expected for a job to encourage you to be engaged and productive, but unfortunately there are some workplaces that breed the perfect conditions for toxic productivity. Toxic productivity is “working and needing to be productive, even at the detriment of your own health and wellbeing,” according to Jennifer Moss, professional speaker and author […]
How to Make New Year’s Resolutions That Stick

Values are easier to keep than goals, she says. “A diet is a goal, and if you don’t keep it then you say: I ruined it, forget it. But when you commit to being, say, genuine or exercising gratitude, then you’re more likely to go the course. The benefits outshine those of any ab workout […]
How to make your weak, brittle nails grow stronger

Leave your weak nails in 2024. Dr. Mary Stevenson, a dermatologic surgeon at NYU Langone, said a lot of factors can lead to brittle, easy-to-chip nails. But if yours are constantly breaking and refuse to grow, there’s hope. Despite what people believe, biting your nails won’t damage them in the long run. Rido – […]
‘Brain rot’ is increasingly common. Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains how to combat it

‘Brain rot’ is increasingly common. Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains how to combat it Do you think you or your child is addicted to scrolling on social media? Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains why social media is tough to kick and gives his tips for how to cut down on screen time. Source link
How to ease into a satisfying retirement life

My research team at Harvard Business School and I spent a decade interviewing people to uncover the psychological, relational and life restructuring challenges of retiring — and how best to navigate them. We discovered that identity issues can loom large for people. That’s especially true in the early phases of retiring, when they grapple with […]
How to Design Wellness Programmes Employees Actually Use

When Kenny Anderson joined Hugo Boss’s executive ranks, he gained access to a new tier of elite perks, which included spa treatments and a therapist. “I felt like there was a huge weight on my shoulders to perform … support my team and deliver results,” he said. “The massages helped.” The benefits didn’t just help […]
How to Perform Lymphatic Drainage Massage At Home

If you’ve spent any time on social media lately, you’ve definitely seen some pretty impressive before and after pictures depicting the benefits of lymphatic drainage massage. The treatment—which involves gentle movements along the lymphatic channels—is known for helping flush fluid and toxins from the system, boosting circulation, improving the immune system, and even speeding metabolism. […]