Follow these 4 principles to stay focused, says attention expert

Learning how to harness our attention is the “skill of the century,” says behavioral design expert Nir Eyal. D3sign | Moment | Getty Images Information overload. From music and games to social media and endless hours of entertainment, easy access to technology has meant that humans are perpetually distracted. “The cost of living in a … Read more

How to Be Less Judgmental

“Pausing helps us recognise, ‘For whatever reason, I’m looking through my judgy lens,’” Dr. Bonior says. “Then you can remind yourself that’s probably not the most accurate or helpful perspective.’” Sometimes, you can just notice a thought and let it go — a core part of meditation — before moving on to some of the … Read more

How to decenter work and live a purposeful life: psychology expert

Jodi Wellman, a positive psychology expert, was an executive leader for 17 years but realized that achieving the pinnacle of success wasn’t bringing her any joy. “I was, like many people, achievement-oriented. I tied my sense of self-worth to what I was doing, how much I was producing, what the name on my business card … Read more

How to spot a psychopath, according to the psychologist who’s spent 20 years analyzing America’s most dangerous criminals

When asked by his fifth-grade teacher what he wanted to be when he grew up, Dr Nicholas Kardaras said ‘psychologist.’ But 10 year-old Nicholas had no idea his career treating mental illness would, in 2020, lead him to sit across the table from a teenage killer who stabbed three friends with a utility knife.  Corey … Read more

How to design inclusive benefit plans for today’s aging workforce

The workforce has undergone significant change over the past few decades. The labor force of those aged 75 and older is projected to increase by a staggering 96.5% from 2020 to 2030. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that in 2022, 23% of employed people over 16 years old were non-White, higher than the … Read more