How to thrive as an introvert

Life as an introvert isn’t always easy. When I describe someone as an “introvert”, people expect them to be quiet, introspective, and self-contained. The sort who are more comfortable behind a camera than in front of it. Extroverts are typically seen as outgoing and social — the kind of people who excel at public speaking … Read more

How To Get Your Dream Fellowship

An early career professional looks for jobs online. getty Applying to fellowships can be competitive, but don’t get discouraged. There are so many fellowships for professionals in all stages of their career. If you are trying to get a fellowship this summer you should start applying now. Many deadlines for summer fellowships are in January … Read more

How to Have a More Productive Year

In 1959, the same year in which the term “knowledge work” was coined, a chemical engineer turned consultant named James T. McCay published “The Management of Time,” one of the first professional-productivity guides. Early in the book, he lays out the fundamental challenge posed by this new type of work. “Almost without exception, executives have … Read more

How to Keep Time: Leave Work Time at Work

Before laptops allowed us to take the office home and smartphones could light up with notifications at any hour, work time and “life” time had clearer boundaries. Today, work is not done exclusively in the workplace, and that makes it harder to leave work at work. Co-hosts Rashid Rashid and Ian Bogost examine the habits … Read more