Adam Grant: 'Boreout' is the new burnout—how to combat it – CNBC

Burnout may not be the source of your unhappiness at work. It's fraternal twin, bore out, could be the problem. Here's how to manage it, says Adam … Source link
4 ways your workplace encourages toxic productivity—and how to fix it

It’s normal and expected for a job to encourage you to be engaged and productive, but unfortunately there are some workplaces that breed the perfect conditions for toxic productivity. Toxic productivity is “working and needing to be productive, even at the detriment of your own health and wellbeing,” according to Jennifer Moss, professional speaker and author […]
How To Make The Future Of Work Work For Everyone

Fortune 500 companies that put talent first and invest in their people report 50% higher profit … [+] margins. getty Companies don’t make up companies; people do. I’ve written in a previous Forbes article, “The success of companies lies in the engagement, productivity and happiness of the people who work there.” I’ve highlighted companies that […]
How to deal with a narcissistic boss

A toxic boss can ruin a dream job. A narcissistic one can ruin a dream job and your psyche. Sometimes the damage can be even more acute than that left by a narcissistic partner or relative, says Dr. Ramani Durvasula, a clinical psychologist in Los Angeles who focuses on narcissistic and antagonistic personality types. Durvasula […]
How to combat loneliness in the workplace

Twice each month, executives at the dating app company Hinge gather for a team meeting. But rather than dive into discussions about metrics or revenue, they begin by simply talking. For the first 30 minutes of the two-hour meeting, these coworkers reveal hopes and anxieties — what they worry about, what they’re grateful for, what […]
how to set boundaries at work—what to say

Long hours, heavy workloads, tight deadlines, job insecurity, a lack of control over your schedule and generally feeling unsupported can leave you feeling unhappy and discontented with your work environment. If gone unchecked for too long, this kind of chronic workplace stress can lead to job burnout. As a Harvard-trained psychologist, one of the best ways […]
How to identify and fix workplace ‘vertigo’

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed with emotion in the office, you might have been experiencing workplace “vertigo,” says Dan L. Shapiro, the director of the Harvard International Negotiation Program. Shapiro is also the author of “Negotiating the Nonnegotiable.” Vertigo often happens when you’re negotiating a raise or pitching an idea and met with unexpected feedback […]
How to get out of lunch with a co-worker

There are those co-workers who you just don’t want to be friends with. Sometimes, the feeling will be mutual. Other times it won’t be. In the latter case, uncomfortable situations can arise. For example, they might consistently ask you to lunch. No matter how many excuses you invent, they don’t seem to be deterred. There […]
3 Reasons to Practice Gratitude At Work — And How To Get Started

Coworkers sharing ideas. getty What are you grateful for? Your family and friends. Maybe you also think of your community, your home, your good health, your good fortune. You may or may not immediately or directly think of your job, your colleagues, or your organizational culture. As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, many people find themselves […]