How to know if your student loans were cut in the latest student loan forgiveness?

After much struggle from The White House on this, the Student Loan Forgiveness plan has been agreed upon by cancelling a tital of nearly $5 billion more in federal student loan debt. This new relief brings the total amount to $132 billion for more than 3.6 million borrowers. Initially, the Supreme Court did strike down President Joe Biden’s initial student loan forgiveness program that promised up to $20,000 in debt relief for folks with low and middle income. But the Biden administration has managed to find ways to circunvent this and has found ways to provide debt relief. A recent statement from Biden confirmed this to be the case but there are times when borrowers want to know if their debt was cut or not.

How can borrowers find out if their student loan debt was cut?

Since cancellations have come through existing federal student loan forgiveness programs, these cancellations are limited to specific categories of borrowers. Public sector workers, people who were defrauded by for-profit colleges, and borrowers who have paid for at least 20 years are the ones getting their student loan debt forgiven. There are only two ays to qualify for this forgiveness after last Wednesday’s announcement. Either you qualify through the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program or because you have been paying for 20 years without getting credit for all student loan payments.

If you do qualify for the program, the loan servicer of the Department of Education has to send you a notification letter that confirms your debt has been forgiven. Depending on what you have on your account settings, you will get this letter via the mail or electronically. This letter will be very specific because it will say the exact amount of forgiveness you got and the date loans that have been discharged.

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