It’s beginning to look a lot like burnout: How to take care of yourself before the holidays start

It’s getting towards the time of the year when you might feel more overwhelmed than usual. There are work projects to finish and perhaps exams in the family. Not to mention the pressures of organising holidays or gifts. Burnout is a real possibility.

Burnout is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as having three main symptoms — exhaustion, loss of empathy and reduced performance at work.

Australian research argues for a broader model, particularly as the WHO’s third symptom may simply be a consequence of the first two.

So what is burnout really? And how can you avoid it before the holidays hit?

More than being really tired

The Australian research model endorsed exhaustion as the primary burnout symptom but emphasised burnout should not be simply equated with exhaustion.

The second symptom is loss of empathy (or “compassion fatigue”), which can also be experienced as uncharacteristic cynicism or a general loss of feeling. Nothing much provides pleasure and joie de vivre is only a memory.

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