How To Find The Right Accountability Partner During A Career Change

Remaining stagnant in a job is no longer acceptable. The average person is estimated to change careers between five and seven times throughout their working life. Research from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the average worker holds upwards of 10 jobs before age fifty. The statistics are alarming; they show that workplace environments are subpar, leadership isn’t what it should be and people are no longer accepting the status quo. People 18 to 24 years old change jobs 5.7 times during these six years.

At this rate, a person needs more than motivation to make continuous, successful changes. Accountability partners keep morale up and provide a sounding board source for ideas and strategies.

People seek change when they are bored and want a new challenge when values have changed or when they want to focus on a new direction. However, the act of changing is radically different than the idea of transitioning to a new company or role. Having someone hold you accountable makes executing the concept critical to your success.

But how do you find the right accountability partner?

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Don’t Fall Victim

Asking someone if they’re open to being accountability partners can be intimidating, which causes many people to take the safe route and ask someone they are close to. This strategy, though, has downfalls. The other person may not be committed to the exercise because of their own projects, yet they have good intentions.

People also ask others who may be at a less experienced level than they are, which leads to misinformed decisions. Look for individuals who are at your same ambition level or who are one-to-two steps ahead of you.

Define Your Goals and Needs

Before seeking an accountability partner, take the time to clearly define your career goals and identify the areas where you need support. Are you looking to transition to a different industry? Do you want to develop specific skills or expand your professional network? Understanding your objectives will help you find a partner whose skills, experiences, and values align with your needs.

Questions To Ask Before Agreeing To A Partnership

  • What stressors are you currently facing that would limit your commitment?
  • Who or what is getting too much air time in your life?
  • Are there any projects you’re working on in the upcoming months that you’re excited about?
  • What would you like to get out of this accountability partnership?
  • What do you expect from me?
  • Are you comfortable providing me with truthful feedback in a positive way, even if it might be the opposite of what I’m envisioning?

Seek Compatibility

When searching for an accountability partner, look for someone who shares your values, work ethic and communication style. Compatibility fosters trust, mutual respect and effective collaboration. Consider personality traits, professional background, and personal interests to ensure a harmonious and productive relationship.

This is more important than most realize. You’ll be more open to feedback and new ways of thinking about your pivot when you work with someone with a similar communication style. Being receptive to this information will open up more opportunities in the future.

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Tap Into Your Network

Start your search for an accountability partner within your existing network. Reach out to colleagues, mentors, alums or industry contacts who may be interested in supporting you during your career transition. Former classmates are also a good starting ground, especially from a graduate program, because everyone in your cohort had comparable goals.

Participate in online communities to expand your pool of potential partners. Don’t hesitate to ask for recommendations or introductions from people you trust. LinkedIn is a great starting point—it provides the advantage of asking people who are working in the industry you want to transition to if they are willing to assist in this journey.

Establish Clear Expectations

Once you’ve identified a potential accountability partner, take the time to discuss and establish clear expectations for your partnership—goals, roles and responsibilities. Clarify how often you’ll meet or check-in, the methods of communication you’ll use, and the specific areas of support you’re seeking. Setting clear boundaries and guidelines upfront helps avoid misunderstandings and ensures a productive partnership.

Nurture The Relationship

Embarking on this process is a long-term game plan. Building a solid accountability partnership requires ongoing communication, trust and commitment. Invest time and effort into nurturing the relationship by regularly checking in, sharing progress updates, and offering support to each other. Be open to giving and receiving feedback, celebrating successes and brainstorming solutions to challenges together. The goal is cultivating a supportive and collaborative environment where both parties feel valued and empowered to pursue their goals.

A successful accountability relationship empowers you to achieve your professional aspirations with confidence and resilience. Your partner is not just a source of support but also a valuable ally on your journey to career fulfillment and success.

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