How to make a relationship work, according to your zodiac sign

Let’s face it, February adds undue pressure on couples around the world, including (but not limited to) how to make a relationship work (that is after you’ve decided what stage your relationship is at; our apologies if your partner thought it was a situationship), analysing if it will stand the test of time and, in some cases, realising that you need to let go. Love has many forms and whether or not we have romance in our lives, recognising how we can better contribute within our relationships—be it at work or anywhere else—can help us create that much-needed shift. What if you could understand and navigate love based on your zodiac sign? You can also choose to dive deeper by checking out your sun, moon and rising sign to put your best foot forward.

Here’s how to make a relationship work based on your zodiac sign:


While red flares may be your thing, remember that your connections may enjoy a steadier, more anchored pace of life and that silence does not always mean absence. Find ways to keep yourself engaged so that your relationships don’t become your source of entertainment or survival.


Remind yourself that life can be a double-laned two-way street where there is not only room for another opinion but also the possibility of both of them being different but correct perspectives. Your loyalty and steadfastness are impeccable; now allow someone else to also feel seen and heard, if not understood.


Let’s memorise this: S P A C E means a continuous area or expanse which is free, available or unoccupied. You clearly love the people you love but too much of anything isn’t good. Give the other person a chance to miss you or even reach out to you for your help and advice. You know you’re a lot of fun, so why the FOMO?


You want to make sure that life feels like a cakewalk for your loved ones but they likely want you to back off just a bit—not scornfully or resentfully, but with love. And yes, that’s possible if you remind yourself that while we all cherish our connections, they too have a life of their own.


Being the life of the party may be your thing but remembering that every relationship has two people in it will perhaps make you feel okay with not always being in the limelight. Find neutrality, if not peace, in the mundane and you will find yourself fostering bonds that go beyond the adrenaline rush of wanting to feel like the sun.


Relationships are heart-work, not mind-work, and consciously choosing to live by this adage may be the thing for you. Do you recall that time when you thought things were picture-perfect but someone else came along and added value? Now hold this thought and make space for another to dine with you at your well-set table.


Sitting on the fence may be your normal but for most others, it can make them feel like a lost cause. Ensure that your partner feels safe to make bold choices without the fear of judgement or abandonment.


Born with the memory of an elephant and the sting of a scorpion makes it difficult for you to trust people easily. This may translate into wanting to be apprised of your partner’s every move. While craving a deep connection may not be a bad thing, ensure there is breathing room for honesty and trust to naturally blossom. Not everyone is out to break your heart; give people a chance to prove themselves to you.


Variety is the spice of your life and while you love the idea of being in love, commitment may seem like an elusive thought. But this should not deter you from finding and keeping relationships that feel like home. Verbalise your need for freedom and get your partner on the same page. Try finding excitement in the events of your life rather than jumping from one book to the next.


You’re a one-man army but remember to leave room for someone else to step into caring, nurturing and responsible roles in your life too. Everyone loves a helping hand but exerting some restraint in your expectations may help you more than you think. When receiving love and support, remember that everyone intends to offer their best and shortcomings can be overlooked or discussed.


Relationships are meant to be felt, not analysed. While your intellectual flair may help you rationalise and perceive much-needed breakthroughs when things are tough, ensure you hold space for an emotional connection with those you love. Not every act needs to be dissected and not every emotion needs therapy; sometimes, just feeling your way through things may be the best decision you could ever make. More heart, less mind.


You are not here to fix people and they aren’t here to match your technicolour dream world. The positives you bring to the table are giving people second, third and fourth chances; what needs to be reined in is the tendency to expect your partner to “just know” your needs. Avoid getting stuck on an I-can-fix-this hamster wheel and disconnecting when you are hurt.

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