Before we get into how to loosen up your painting style, it’s important to say that “loosening up” can feel very fun and freeing, but the advice I’m sharing here is not a “should”. Whilst I’ve been enjoying stretching myself into expressive approaches to painting as an addition to my first-and-favourite style that is realistic watercolour, I only recommend you do the same if this step feels right for you. (If you need help deciding whether you should loosen up, watch this video).

If you’ve given this some thought and decided that exploring looser styles is the right next step for you, it’s possible that you’re wondering where and how to start. Especially if like me, you’re approaching the journey from a place of working in a more realistic style.

One of the difficult things about trying more expressive styles is that the process can seem intuitive and highly variable from artist to artist. That can make the process of ‘loosening up’ feel less accessible.

So I’ve made this mini class to bust through that barrier and give you 10 clear steps to help you on your way.

How to loosen up your painting style:

I hope these steps give you a clear path to get started on.

Loosening up needs to be a free choice

Remember, only loosen up your painting style if the decision has come from you and not somebody else telling you that you “should”.

And keep in mind that it’s perfectly OK to work in more than one artistic style. So please don’t feel pushed forward OR held back from trying looser styles if you haven’t before. Painting expressively means ‘free’ brushstrokes and that’s only really possible when you enter into the process freely and openly.

I’d love to hear from you

Are you starting – or already on – the journey of ‘loosening up’? Have the tips I’ve shared in this mini class given you the confidence or inspiration to loosen up your painting style? If you’ve tried looser painting, did you like how the process felt? Let’s have a chat in the comments.

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