Here Is How To Achieve It

Being a leader is about finding your way through many different demands and hopes people have for you. It’s like trying to keep your balance on a narrow beam—leaning too much one way or another can throw everything off.

On one end of the spectrum lies the transactional approach—rooted in clear exchanges and outcomes. On the opposite end is relational leadership, which prioritizes deep personal connections and the growth of team members.

Striking a balance between these contrasting styles is crucial for leaders aiming to cultivate an environment of authenticity.

Transactional vs. Relational Leadership

The two paths to leadership are distinct. Each has strengths and weaknesses. However, even though the two paths are not mutually exclusive, many leaders rely on one path only, thereby limiting their impact.

Transactional Leadership: The Clarity of Exchange

Transactional leadership operates on clear exchanges between leaders and their teams. Roles, expectations, and rewards for achieving specific outcomes define transactional relationships. The approach can be practical in scenarios that demand immediate results and when tasks are straightforward and measurable. The transactional model is akin to setting a course with a map: it provides a clear direction and a quantifiable way to reach the destination.

However, transactional leadership’s limitations lie in its potential to overlook the human element. While it excels in efficiency, it may not fully engage team members’ intrinsic motivations or foster a sense of belonging and loyalty. This gap can lead to a work environment that, while productive, might need more warmth and genuine connection that motivates people to do their best work.

Relational Leadership: The Power of Connection

Relational leadership, by contrast, thrives on building strong, personal connections with and among team members. It focuses on understanding individual motivations, strengths, and areas for growth. Relational leaders invest time mentoring and supporting their team, creating a culture of trust and mutual respect. This approach is like nurturing a garden: it requires patience, care, and attention to the unique needs of each plant (or team member) to flourish.

The strength of relational leadership lies in its ability to inspire loyalty, foster open communication, and encourage innovation. However, without the balance of clear expectations and accountability, the focus on relationships can overshadow the drive for results, potentially leading to a comfortable yet complacent team environment.

Striking the Balance: Authentic Leadership in Practice

Authentic leadership emerges at the intersection of transactional clarity and relational warmth. It recognizes that genuine leadership is not a one-size-fits-all approach but a dynamic balance that adapts to the team’s needs and the situation’s demands. Here are key strategies for leaders looking to navigate this balance effectively:

Embrace the Best of Both Worlds

Combine the goal-oriented focus of transactional leadership with the empathy and support of relational leadership. Set clear objectives and provide the structure your team needs to achieve them, but also make space for meaningful interactions and personal growth. This dual approach ensures that team members feel valued for their contributions and as individuals.

Foster Open Communication

Transparency is the linchpin of authentic leadership. Regularly share your vision, goals, and the reasons behind decisions. Encourage your team to voice their ideas, concerns, and aspirations.

An environment where communication flows freely strengthens the team’s cohesion and commitment to shared objectives.

Respect the Knowledge and Wisdom of Others

In our complex times, no one corners the market on knowledge, let alone the wisdom to apply it appropriately. Leadership excellence comes from generating solutions from diverse points of view. Recognize and acknowledge your limitations and respect the expertise and knowledge your team members bring.

Show Vulnerability

Authentic leaders are unafraid to show their humanity—acknowledging mistakes, sharing challenges, and expressing genuine emotions. This vulnerability humanizes you as a leader and encourages your team to embrace their authenticity, creating a more vital, connected workplace.

Prioritize Personal Growth and Development

Invest in your team’s growth as you would your own. Provide opportunities for skill enhancement, offer constructive feedback, and celebrate achievements. When team members feel supported in their personal and professional development, they are more engaged, loyal, and motivated.

Consistency, Integrity, and Adaptability Count

Authentic leadership demands consistency in words and actions, anchored in core values. Yet, it also requires the flexibility to adapt your leadership style to your team’s evolving needs and the challenges at hand.

Balancing transactional and relational elements with integrity ensures that your leadership remains genuine, effective, and responsive. However, wise leaders will refrain from arbitrarily veering between the two paths.

Keep the Balance Steady

Imagine walking a dog that can’t decide whether to chase squirrels or stick to the path. That’s like a team trying to follow a leader who flips between caring and strict, personal and all-business. It’s confusing and a bit of a wild ride. Leaders need to blend those styles consistently—yes, be goal-driven and a people person.

Maintain Predictability and Flexibility

If you ask about their kid’s soccer game on Monday and by Tuesday you’re all “business as usual,” your team might wonder what’s up. They might even think you’re not being genuine. That’s why keeping your leadership approach transparent and predictable is essential.

Navigating the ups and downs of leadership means being flexible—like a good quarterback switching plays at the last second. But even when you have to pivot fast from being a team cheerleader to a goal-focused coach, letting your team in on the game plan is vital.

Always show that you’ve got their backs and the end zone in mind, keeping your moves smooth and intentions clear. And when you need to switch gears because of some surprise play, please huddle up and share why. It’s all about maintaining that trust and clarity, play-by-play.

Like gravity, consistency and transparency keep the leadership tightrope stable. When a leader demonstrates both characteristics, everything becomes much easier to balance.

Authenticity is a guiding star in the complex leadership landscape, illuminating the path to genuine connections, enhanced motivation, and sustained performance. By skillfully blending the transactional focus on results with the relational emphasis on people, leaders can create an environment where authenticity flourishes. This balanced approach fosters a culture of trust, respect, and mutual success and empowers the team to reach its full potential.

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