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7 Pro Tips On How To Run Properly, Even If You’re A Complete Novice

You’re either a runner… or you’re not. That was my long held belief until one day I committed to the cause and learned how to become a runner, albeit slowly. The biggest lesson I learned while gradually increasing the length of time I ran (and reducing the amount of time I spent walking) three times a week, is that even those who naturally sprint like a gazelle find it hard sometimes. Oh, and you don’t need to be built like a beanpole to bound through the streets. As the weather begins to warm up—inspiring may to lace up their running shoes and hit the pavement—we spoke to physiotherapist and Nike Well Collective running coach, Manni Ovola, to learn his tips on how to run successfully.

Why running is good for us

As well as being excellent for cardiovascular and bone health and weight management, the most important thing to know about running is that it can be excellent for your mental wellbeing. Yes, those first 10 minutes can sometimes feel like a muscle-burning slog, but, as Ovola explains, it’s worth it. “It’s a nice sport because you can enjoy solitude and quickly move into a flow state, which helps you focus,” he tells me. “Being outdoors also helps boost our happy hormones too.”

Ovola also talks about achieving a mental and physical “unlock” when running, which I think describes the famous “runner’s high”–a real thing, that’s as good as it sounds–quite nicely. It’s also worth adding that running regularly is also good for self-confidence, anxiety, depression and pretty much every other mental malady you can shake a stick at.

7 top running tips

Frequency over volume

One of the biggest tips Ovola shares is to understand the importance of frequency over volume. “Everyone talks about running a 5K, but actually you want to run for 20 minutes, then 30 minutes, 35 then 40, and build frequency,” he says, recommending that you think of it as an inverted pyramid that you work up, then down again. “You start at the base of the pyramid, which constitutes shorter amounts of time, and work your way up to the longer periods. It’s different to running two or three 5Ks a week, because that’s the same distance each time – variability is so important. It’s key to focus on lots of different exposure to the exercise to ensure we get stronger.”

Each run is a sum of its parts

Going for a successful run is about more than just putting one foot in front of the other. “How do you prepare for that run? What’s the nutrition plan? Have you slept that week? Are you running with friends or are you doing it independently?” he poses. “All these things are super important – it’s not just the movement, but the mindfulness, nutrition and connection, too.” So if you’re finding that run hard, it might be worth considering the elements that support it.

Dynamic stretching

We’re all told we need to stretch before going out for a run, but what kind of stretching is best? “The scientific literature suggests that you can stretch before running and, by doing so, you’ll make the muscles feel more comfortable. However, a lot of the research that was done on stretching before sport also showed that it reduces your force and strength production, because it changes the way the muscles and the nervous system interact,” he explains. “Instead of static stretching, make sure to do some dynamic movement and don’t hold the position for too long.” You might try leg swings, inchworms or lateral lunges, but just keep it moving.

Join a run club

One way to make going for a run easier is to join a club. Being a part of a community can help motivate you to go out for a run in the first place, then push yourself when you’re there. There are also more clubs around than there have ever been, for different levels. “Connecting with other people helps with energy transfer,” says Ovola. “You feel supported and like everything is possible.”

Make sure you strength train…

To build muscle. “You can put yourself in the fanciest trainers going, but if you haven’t done the strength work, running and getting into that real flow state is difficult,” says Ovola. “Building your muscle strength builds your capacity to run.” One of the most important exercises you should incorporate into your routine are calf raises, whether single leg calf raises or weighted. Why? “Your calf muscles produce about 60 percent of your vertical force, so they’re essential when running,” says Ovola.

Other exercises to include are hip bridges, which are important for hamstrings and glutes (both are at play when you run) and lunges. “Anything that’s unilateral–where you just have to work on one leg, like Bulgarian split squats, is key,” says Ovola. “As is jumping. If you’re a beginner, jump on the spot or horizontally.” As well as making your run much easier, strength work is important for fending off injury.

Listen to your body

One of the main things I learned when I first began running was that most of us naturally try and run our fastest, even when it’s quite alright to stick to a jog to build up our time and resilience while moving. Ovola says that most of our runs should be “easy” runs, and we should focus on our effort levels in relation to how we’re feeling holistically. Slower “zone two” runs help build our cardiovascular system and make us more efficient, plus also put a lot less stress through our joints, legs and muscles. It’s a good idea to try and pace ourselves and progress slowly: “I advise running on a rate of perceived exertion, from zero to three out of 10.”

Be aware of your footwear

And a final thing to note: if you’re running a lot, your footwear matters. “If you’ve suffered injuries like shin splints or anything to do with the foot, too much cushion in your footwear can demand a lot from the foot, so you might want to try stiffer cushioning,” he recommends. “If you’ve had any calf pain, you might not want to choose low-profile shoes because that will demand more from your calf muscles. And if you’ve suffered knee injuries, shoes with a high stack will put more load on the knee, which could become uncomfortable.”

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