What a glorious day when you can gaze across the landscape and be happy with what you have created.  You have removed all the weeds, put down mulch, picked up the sticks that were downed from the last windstorm and now you can sit back and relax and enjoy the perfect garden.  Very few gardens look perfect all at once.  This is why you create the right combination of plants for a vignette where the plants will be just right at the same time.  

So, what is a vignette?  A vignette is simply a small collection of plants arranged in a visually appealing way; to create an intimate spot in the garden that provides a focal point or scene.  It is to create the right combinations of texture, form and color.  This is something that I have tried hard to achieve over the years and I have to admit, I have room to improve.  I try to create vignettes where different components work well together and create harmony.  I try to create areas where plants look lovely together, usually a smaller more intimate spot.    

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