How to deal with friends and family getting favoured for promotion

We all know someone whose friend or family has helped them get their foot in the corporate door, but is it fair and how can you navigate nepotism in the workplace?

But even if that friend or family member is a decent worker, if there is someone more deserving who misses out, leadership expert, Kirsten Ferguson said that could really disengage the office.

“If you’re there working hard, you’re doing everything you can to try and get a promotion and then someone you believe has been brought in because they’re the child of, or the friend of, or the partner of the boss, that’s going to be pretty demotivating,” she told Today Extra.

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Colin Farrell Horrible Bosses 2011
Colin Farrell (c) and Donald Sutherland (L) played an extreme version of nepotism in the workspace in 2011’s Horrible Bosses. (Warner Bros)

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“And so it can be really, really challenging to keep morale in an environment like that.”

If you do feel the need to raise it with management that you think someone has been unfairly promoted because of nepotism, there are some things to take into account before you knock on HR or the boss’ door.

”My first piece of advice is get your facts straight, because when we’re really emotive about something that bothers us, we can perhaps listen to gossip, or we might be making assumptions,” she said.

“You really want to make sure that you know the facts of what’s happened and when you go and speak to your boss, be as calm and objective as you can – this is about you, so invariably you’re conflicted and just try and respectfully explain why you would like to be considered for a role, or why you’re feeling really disengaged by what’s happening.”

She also said to listen to the response with curiosity, rather than getting defensive take some time to decide what you want to do next.

Kirsten Ferguson - Dealing with nepotism at work
Kirsten Ferguson said there is a way to approach raising the issue with management. (Today Extra)

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Kirsten said it depended on the context of whether there should be more transparency around hiring people who might have a pre-existing relationship with somebody in the company.

“If you’re in the corner store, that’s a family-owned business, so obviously the expectation is you are going to be hiring your sons and cousins and uncles and aunts – that’s all fine,” she said.

“I think, though, if you work in an office or an organisation where there’s more non-family members than family members, if we just use that example, then absolutely there needs to be transparency around what the requirements of this job are, what the process will be to go and apply for it and when you do appoint someone, what their skills and qualities are, just so that everyone knows it’s an equal playing field.”

See the full chat with Kirsten in the video above

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