Given that marriage is a union of two individuals – both with different personalities and opinions, conflicts are inevitable. Irrespective of the source: unrealistic expectations, a lack of trust and misunderstanding, or an inability to understand each other, the effects of the disagreement affects everyone around the couple, causing uneasiness and distress to the people they love.
Is silence the solution for resolving conflicts?
Some people think that by remaining silent and not responding to a potential conflict, the arguments will dissipate.
However, all too often staying silent exacerbates matters – and may be misinterpreted as sulking. When you say nothing, what internal emotions are you feeling? You will feel anger, frustration, annoyance and your mind will be meditating on thoughts such as: ‘I will do this and that. I was right, and she was wrong. How can I get even?’ You will be looking for justice and being correct! Instead, you are causing a further rift between each other. Thus, it is better if you talk things through, come to an understanding and bring peace and harmony back into the relationship.
Fundamental to this is asking for forgiveness for the pain that you have caused and having a genuine intent to reconcile and respect each other – even if you disagree with it. This will result in a far more congenial relationship where you are both intent on finding a middle ground and trying as far as possible to adjust and understand each other.
Spiritual Science explains the reason for having conflicts.
For an enduring permanent strategy to resolving marital conflicts, it is important to understand the core reason underlying conflicts.
Essentially conflicts are the principal reason behind birth and rebirth. Everything that you encounter in this present life from people to circumstances are the precise result of karmas (deeds) which were sown by you from your past life. So, if you have given pain to someone in your previous life, then you will experience pain in this life. Equally, if you had made others happy in your previous life, then you will experience happiness in this life. This is the law of nature and it is always just! Therefore, understand that the conflicts that do arise, are the results of your own deeds from your past life and not the fault of someone else! Is it possible to clear our past life karma? Read here
It is critical that you fully comprehend that it is through conflicts that people bind revenge. Spiritual Science explains further that by engaging in conflicts by being confrontational you will completely drain any rational thinking (common sense), thereby perpetuating the conflict further. Conflict is like a fire. Once allowed to ignite from a spark, it will develop into an enormous fire and burn everyone around them including themselves.
If the conflicts are intense and the situation is left unsolved, then in your next life the person concerned will exact retribution for certainty! That is why it is imperative that you ensure all conflicts are resolved amicably. At all costs, it is in your vested interest to ensure that a solution has been reached. Your sincere intent should be to resolve the argument amicably – and not from a perspective that you are right and hence your partner is wrong. This cannot be attained by staying silent but instead by being adjustable and flexible to accommodate your partner.
If you acquire the knowledge of the Self, of who you really are, you will be able to understand in far more depth through this Spiritual Science on how to deal with difficulties in marriages and with life in general. You will have a higher purpose in life through which you will have the ability to face tough times.
10 Tips to help you Improve your Marriage. Read here

How to reach spiritual wisdom by taming the senses: Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 68

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