How to use advanced search – find posts, hashtags, and more

Do you want to search for an old post or find a specific post? Discover exactly what you’re looking for in search


Advanced search is available when you’re logged in to It allows you to tailor search results to specific date ranges, people and more. This makes it easier to find specific posts.


How to refine your advanced search

Using advanced search, you can refine your search results by using any combination of the fields below:



  • posts containing all words in any position (“X” and “search”)  
  • posts containing exact phrases (“X search”)
  • posts containing any of the words (“X” or “search”)
  • posts excluding specific words (“X” but not “search”)
  • posts with a specific hashtag (#X)
  • posts in a specific language (written in English)



  • posts from a specific account (posted by “@X”)
  • posts sent as replies to a specific account (in reply to “@X”)
  • posts that mention a specific account (post includes “@X”)



  • posts sent from a geographic location, e.g. a specific city, state, country
    • Use the place dropdown to select the geographic location



  • posts sent before a specific date, after a specific date or within a date range
    • Use the calendar dropdown to select a “from” date, “to” date or both

  • Search for posts from any date since the first public post


By combining fields in advanced search, you can tailor your search results in a powerful way. For example, if you’re looking for an old post you sent about what you did on New Year’s day, you can search for posts containing “New Years” but excluding “Resolution” between December 30, 2013 and January 2, 2014. You can also search for posts in English by using the hashtag. For example, “#WorldCup” sent from Brazil in July 2014 will show you posts about the world cup that year.

Need more help?

If you have more questions about advanced search, you can contact our Support team.

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