Experiential learning is a powerful tool for professionals who need to develop real-world skills and knowledge in at work. Emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality and virtual reality offer innovative ways to enhance these workplace learning experiences.

Below, members of Forbes Coaches Council share compelling use cases for leveraging emerging technologies for experiential learning in the workplace. Here are 14 smart ways for organizations to leverage AI, AR and VR to develop immersive, unique training opportunities.

1. Immersive Simulations

One way companies could integrate emerging technology is by creating immersive simulations for training purposes. For example, using VR technology, employees could participate in realistic simulations of workplace scenarios, such as customer interactions. This allows employees to learn by doing in a safe and controlled environment, accelerating skill development and retention. – Jessica Miller-Merrell, Workology

2. Executive Coaching Support

AI is moving to become part of every business. Using AI to build tools that simulate an executive coaching experience creates an important and cost-effective way to get support when you don’t have access to a human coach. It has helped fill a gap we have found in supporting organizations. – Wendy Hanson, New Level Work

3. Real-Time Instructional Overlays

Integrating AR in training transforms workplace learning. AR overlays real-time digital instructions onto the physical workspace, enhancing learning, efficiency and accuracy in completing tasks. This method is ideal for practical, interactive guidance, directly linking training to daily operations. – Farshad Asl, Top Leaders, Inc.

4. ‘Innovation Week’ Competitions

An empowering approach to carefully integrate technologies such as AI, AR and VR is establishing a semi-annual “innovation week” competition in organizations. This allows individuals and teams to explore advanced technologies and demonstrate the benefits of integrating them into a workplace. Innovation awards and recognition will inspire creativity and rapidly transform the business and its profitability. – Dr. Adil Dalal, Pinnacle Process Solutions, Intl., LLC

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5. AI-Human Coaching Partnerships

Companies such as Bongo create personalized learning solutions with AI, where employees can train their skills with the help of an AI coach. They receive individual feedback on their performance, and when they are ready, they submit their practice to a human coach. This AI-human partnership provides a unique opportunity for self-learning people skills such as presenting, negotiating and others. – Daria Rudnik, Daria Rudnik Coaching & Consulting

6. Gamified Learning Outcomes

Gamify learning outcomes so that employees not only feel challenged, but are also able to foster a competitive spirit and take in content at a faster rate than anticipated. This leads to multiple benefits both intrinsically (for example, self-esteem, confidence and growth) and extrinsically (in terms of problem-solving, creativity and innovation). – Arthi Rabikrisson, Prerna Advisory

7. Differentiated Response Paths

I have already seen training applications that have applied AI to their programs to support experiential learning with their teams. In some cases, they have begun to incorporate different paths on how to respond to client inquiries and team member questions as well as complaints. Using AI so that teams can feel supported in trying out new approaches will increase their confidence in their skills. – Bryan Powell, Executive Coaching Space

8. Simulations Of Complex Scenarios

Companies can integrate VR to enhance experiential learning by creating immersive, realistic simulations for training. For example, VR can simulate complex scenarios such as emergency response, machinery operation or customer interactions, allowing employees to practice and develop skills in a safe, controlled environment. This leads to more effective and engaging learning experiences. – Adaora Ayoade, EZ37 Solutions

9. A Safe Environment To Practice High-Stakes Tasks

Companies can integrate emerging tech such as AI, AR and VR into experiential learning by creating immersive simulations that mimic real-world scenarios. For example, AR can overlay data on machinery for hands-on training, while VR can provide a safe environment for employees to practice high-stakes tasks. AI can personalize learning experiences, adapting to each employee’s pace and learning style. – Karla Aljanabi, Career Building Coach

10. Immersive Lessons For Team Members And Customers

I own an inn in a historical Victorian building that dates back to the 1870s; we used to share the history with our team and customers using documents and word-of-mouth. Then, we had an opportunity to apply for a government grant to develop AR applications to introduce history through games, 3D models of the historical characters and QR codes throughout the inn to bring up videos. – Minna Hu, AI Business Coach Inc.

11. Performance Analysis And Customized Training Modules

Companies can enhance workplace experiential learning by using VR to simulate complex procedures, such as surgical operations for medical staff or emergency response drills for safety personnel. AI can analyze the performance during these simulations to assess skills such as decision-making speed and accuracy. Based on the assessment, AI can then customize further training modules. – Stephan Lendi, Newbury Media & Communications GmbH

12. Consultation For Problem-Solving

Take a difficult situation that is happening in the workplace. Have each person write down how they think to best approach it, and then ask ChatGPT or a similar application. Compare the answers together. It could be the start of a productive dialogue. – Dr. Joel M. Rothaizer, MCC, ABPP, Clear Impact Consulting Group

13. Designing Written Training Scenarios

Reinforce learning in a controlled environment through simulation. AI can be very helpful in designing written scenarios that bring the training to life and engage the learner in hands-on activities. While AI cannot create data files, it can outline the structure and components of data files needed for a simulation. Using video can also enhance the simulation, and virtual reality is optimal. – John Knotts, Crosscutter Enterprises

14. Realistic Virtual Customer Interactions

In customer service training, AR can overlay virtual customer interactions onto real-world environments, allowing employees to practice in realistic situations. This approach enhances learning retention and provides valuable, practical experience and real-time, low-risk feedback. – Martha Jeifetz, MJ – Executive Coaching & Advising

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