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How To Answer “Why Are You Interested In This Role?”

You’ve been practicing for weeks.

You’ve (finally) figured out how to answer all the tough interview questions you know you’re likely to be asked for your dream remote job.

But for some reason, you can never quite get past this question: “Why are you interested in this job/position/role?”

In theory, it’s a ridiculously easy question to answer. Because why on earth would the hiring manager ask you that question when you are clearly motivated for the job? Surely, you wouldn’t apply unless it was something you were interested in, right?

And at the end of the day, especially if you’ve been out of work for months or even years, why else would you want a job except to get back on your feet again? The answer to “Why are you interested in this role?” may seem fairly obvious—but you’re wrong.

Applying for a job because you are in it mainly for the salary, because it’s work-from-home, or applying because you like the idea of the prestige associated with the role itself or the employer, are not sufficient enough motivations to ensure wholehearted commitment to your job—and these will certainly not pass as good enough reasons for the hiring manager to take you seriously and hire you.

You need to provide the talent acquisition team and hiring manager with something more tangible and meaningful to persuade them that you are committed to the job as a career, a stepping stone, and not just something to make money and survive. Otherwise, any wise employer knows that without the right motivations, an employee will quickly lose interest and either job hop or prove unreliable and distracted when on the job.

Why Does The Hiring Manager Ask “Why Are You Interested In This Role?”

Employers may ask the same thing in different ways. For instance, they may rephrase this question as, “What made you apply for this position?” or “What interests you most about this role?”

These are all fundamentally the same, and employers ask this to gauge several key insights about you, including:

  • Your motivation, passion, and enthusiasm for the role
  • Would your expectations align with the reality of the position and where the company is headed?
  • Do your skills and experience perfectly match with the role?
  • Are your personal and career goals aligned with the job? Do you even have any career goals, for that matter?
  • Are you committed to adding vale to the organization?
  • Do you understand the role you have applied for and what it entails? Have you read the job advert thoroughly?

How To Answer “Why Are You Interested In This Position?” Effectively

To satisfy each of the points above effectively, here are some steps you should consider that will help you formulate a compelling answer for your remote job interview:

1. Research The Role

This is the most obvious step you should take, but you should remember that this research extends beyond the role itself (as the job title might vary in meaning depending on the company you work for). You should research the company and the specific project, department, team, or program your role is being recruited to fill. This enables you to have a thorough grasp of the position and understand if it is what you initially expected.

2. Highlight Unique Angles Of The Role

The next step is to highlight unique aspects of the role that appeal to you the most. This demonstrates that you have undertaken due diligence to research the job, and shows them that you are keen and committed to the role. For example, if you were being hired to work as a program manager, you could talk about the specific program that you know you will be managing, and how excited you are about the program and its objectives, especially if it is something that resonates with you personally.

You should also make reference to how you are well positioned to contribute in the company within this role, based on your unique background and career achievements.

3. Align Answer With Yours And The Company’s Goals

Finally, you need to ensure that your answer makes strong reference to how this particular position is part of your career plan and will help you achieve your long-term career goals. This is especially necessary if you are making a career pivot, as employers will likely be extremely curious as to why you are completely switching roles and applying for a job that has no relation to anything you’ve done previously.

You should also consider the company’s vision and mission statement, and ensure your overall answer conveys the value you aim to provide to their organization in helping them achieve their business goals.

Sample Answer For “Why Are You Interested In This Position?”

So, a sample answer for a program manager at a healthcare organization would be:

“I am excited about this program manager role at [company name] because it aligns perfectly with skills and personal career goals to [career goal in X number of years]. Throughout my career so far, I have been deeply passionate about driving strategic initiatives and overseeing complex community health projects from inception to successful completion. This role as a [name of role and team name] provides the ideal platform for me to leverage my experience in project management, team leadership, and process optimization.

“One of the aspects that drew me to [company name] is your commitment to innovation and excellence within the industry. [Go into further detail, briefly, about a specific project they completed recently that resonates with your personal values and professional aspirations].

“In my previous position at [previous company], [relate how your background is perfectly suited to the requirements of the role].

“I am also particularly interested in the opportunity to work at [company name] because of your strong emphasis on professional development and employee growth. I am eager to bring my expertise to your team and continue to grow as a program manager in such a supportive environment, while being a part of a company that is leading the way in [specific industry].”

Structuring your answer in this way perfectly highlights to the interviewer just why your motivations, skills, and experience, make you a strong fit for the position.

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