How to force users to log in to confirm age

Hi everyone,

I would like to know if anyone has a suitable solution for me.

I am looking for a way to require my front end users to log in the confirm their age so they can access age-restricted content. All of the plugins I’ve seen so far, including Age Gate and Age Verification and Agy Verification, have only put a question form on the front end that gives users a free go at choosing their own answers to a question like “Are you over 18?”, which is completely useless since users can change their answer and click “yes” after being first denied entry if they clicked “no”.

What I’d like is to have all my users register first for the site (which would include entering their birth date), then when they log in, based on their birth date entered at registration and is not changeable, they would be granted or denied access. This is different to simply removing restrictions to ALL logged in users, regardless of ages based on their log in status, which is what the plugins already do.

If you are thinking that people can just lie on their registration form, that won’t be a problem for my site, but I just want people to have to log in to confirm their age.

Thank you

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