Sinusitis Symptoms: 4 symptoms of sinusitis and how to heal sinus infections |

Acute sinusitis, also called acute rhinosinusitis, is a transient inflammation of the gaps in the bones that surround your nose, called the sinuses. This illness causes an obstruction in the natural flow of mucus, which results in painful symptoms such as facial pain and congestion of the nose. Acute sinusitis usually lasts seven to ten days, but in that time it can seriously impair your quality of life.

Symptoms of acute sinusitis

Headaches, facial pain or pressure, exhaustion, and stuffy or congested noses are the most typical signs of acute sinusitis. A cough, thick nasal discharge that might be clear, white, yellow, or greenish, and a diminished sense of smell are other possible symptoms for certain individuals. These symptoms, especially the pressure and pain in the face, are more severe and last longer than the average cold.

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Causes of acute sinusitis

According to Dr. Kunal Nigam , Head of Department – ENT, Voice Disorders, Cochlear Implant and Head & Neck Surgery, Marengo Asia Hospitals, Gurugram, “Numerous things can cause acute sinusitis. Common causes include air pollutants like dust, pollen, smog, and weather variations. The most common causes are viral infections, especially those that cause colds. Sinusitis, however, can also result from fungal or bacterial infections. Anatomical conditions like enlarged adenoids or a deviated septum might occasionally make people more susceptible to recurring bouts of acute sinusitis, especially in young children.”

Home remedies to heal sinusitis

Sinusitis, often causing discomfort and congestion, can be managed at home with several remedies. Steam inhalation helps loosen mucus, while nasal irrigation with a saline solution clears nasal passages. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water and herbal teas thins mucus and promotes drainage. Applying a warm compress to the face reduces sinus pain and pressure. Using a humidifier adds moisture to the air, preventing dryness in the nasal passages. Lastly, sleeping with your head elevated aids in reducing sinus congestion. These methods can offer relief and support the healing process naturally.
Treatment typically consists of a mix of methods. If a bacterial illness is detected, a prescription for antibiotics may be issued. In addition to over-the-counter medications like saline nasal sprays and staying hydrated, home remedies like steam inhalation, nasal decongestants, and antihistamines can help reduce symptoms. Some people might discover complementary therapies like homeopathy or Ayurveda, which are beneficial. In cases where symptoms are severe or persistent, steroids or even surgery may be required.

Diagnosis and treatment

A doctor will usually undertake a physical examination to diagnose acute sinusitis. During this process, the doctor will evaluate the patient’s symptoms and may even undergo a nasal endoscopy to have a closer look at the sinuses. Imaging tests such as a CT scan or MRI may be required in more severe or complex situations to determine the amount of inflammation or any underlying anatomical abnormalities.
It’s critical to see a doctor right away if you suffer from acute sinusitis symptoms. In order to promote a speedier recovery and prevent complications, receiving therapy early on can help you get back to your regular activities as soon as possible.

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