New Year 2024: How to level up financial knowledge with the rule of 72?

As the new year unfolds, our aspirations centre around witnessing the growth of our finances. There’s an unparalleled satisfaction in realizing your financial objectives, particularly after dedicated periods of investment. The ongoing fluctuations in the market have spurred numerous individuals to delve into the intricacies of personal finance. Simple calculations, such as formula 72, have … Read more

How to file an insurance claim for a cyclone-damaged bike? A step-by-step guide

Cyclones are an unfortunate yet common occurrence in some parts, especially along coastal regions. These powerful storms can cause widespread destruction, including damage to personal vehicles and property. If your bike was damaged due to a recent cyclone, here is a comprehensive guide to filing an insurance claim. Understanding bike insurance Most banks and non-banking … Read more

How to pick an architect and how to manage the build

Experts suggest thinking about how you’ll use your home in future when considering a building project. 10’000 Hours | Digitalvision | Getty Images Extending your home or remodeling your kitchen and bathroom may be an exciting prospect but it’s worth carefully planning the design and build to manage the risks involved, according to specialists who … Read more

How to confront a friend who never pays you back

We’ve all had that one friend whose tab is perpetually growing. Venmo requests for a split group tab always seem to get overlooked or perhaps they do a symbolic reach for their wallet when the server places the bill on the table — but no money actually ever materializes. If you’re not particularly good at … Read more

What to say instead of ‘you can do anything’

Jose Luis Pelaez Inc | Digitalvision | Getty Images Despite your instincts, telling your child that they can do “anything” can be counterproductive. “‘You can do anything,’ is positive, but it’s very generalized,” according to Joanna North, a consultant psychotherapist. “I think that we need to draw it down to specifics for children, and [find] … Read more

How to cut your grocery bill from cash stuffing expert Jasmine Taylor

Jasmine Taylor knows a thing or two about getting a budget under control. In January 2021, she found herself with $60,000 in student debt and another $9,000 in medical and credit card debt. Vowing to get her finances on track, she turned to YouTube and found “cash stuffing,” a money management strategy in which budgeters … Read more

How to know if your student loans were cut in the latest student loan forgiveness?

After much struggle from The White House on this, the Student Loan Forgiveness plan has been agreed upon by cancelling a tital of nearly $5 billion more in federal student loan debt. This new relief brings the total amount to $132 billion for more than 3.6 million borrowers. Initially, the Supreme Court did strike down … Read more

How to bet on a comeback in energy stocks while getting paid to wait

Blue-chip energy names like Exxon Mobil and Chevron have been in a sticky situation lately as WTI Crude oil prices have tumbled since trading nearly $95 in late September, recently tucking under $70 this week. Like the over exaggerated moves in the U.S. Treasury complex as of late, I believe that oil futures and energy … Read more