Are you overeating? Here’s how to tell – and break the habit

Why do we overeat? Emotional eating is the most common reason for overeating, often because of stress, sadness or low energy. It can also be a symptom of depression. In these cases, food is used as a coping mechanism to deal with problems or difficult emotions. It becomes a survival strategy and people may think … Read more

How to add ginger water to daily routine for effective weight loss

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Lemon Weight Loss Tips: How to include lemon in diet for weight loss |

One easy-to-find, yet effective component to include in your diet is lemon, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. A research published in the online library, Wiley says that every 4 in 10 people are trying to lose weight in the world. Lemon may improve your life when included in your daily routine because it … Read more

How to beat a weight-loss plateau

“Getting a good amount of protein in your first meal can be transformative for managing hunger; this benefits appetite control throughout the entire day and has been shown to reduce late night eating,” says Stephenson. She also suggests increasing fibre by adding milled flax seeds and psyllium to meals, as well as opting for beans … Read more

How to Cure Hedonic Eating?

Logan is a 62-year-old woman who has reached the pinnacle of professional success. She started a $50 million consumer products company and, after selling it, managed to develop another successful brand. She is healthy and happily married, with four adult children. And yet, despite all her achievements and stable family life, Logan was always bothered … Read more

Even Oprah Doesn’t Know How to Talk About Weight Loss Now

Nearly 13 years after the final episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show, it’s easy to forget just how vicious the public scrutiny of Winfrey’s body was during her talk show’s decades-long run. But those memories haven’t left Winfrey, and they take center stage in her new prime-time special, Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution. … Read more

How to Help Patients Lose Weight After Menopause

Unwanted weight gain is a common problem for women after menopause. Primary care clinicians have likely heard from patients that attempts at shedding extra pounds are not working. Nearly three fourths of women aged 60 years and older in the United States are overweight. Some may blame menopause for this trend. But the life stage … Read more

How to lose 1lb per week by walking

The average person is sedentary for around 9.5 hours per day, according to the British Heart Foundation. This prolonged amount of inactivity can weaken muscles and bones and affect our body’s ability to regulate blood sugar and metabolise fat – all of which can lead to serious consequences and weight gain. The remedy? “Most people … Read more

How to lose your beer belly – without totally giving up alcohol

For a joke, some men will cradle their bulging midriffs and laugh about the investment it’s taken to grow a pot belly. “Beer isn’t cheap,” they’ll say. That’s true, but the financial cost of a beer belly is not as consequential as the considerable health costs. For men, a growing waistline can contribute to a … Read more

The nine most unhealthy WFH habits – and how to fix them

Those of us who regularly work from home are familiar with the pitfalls of easy-to-access snacks in the kitchen and a lack of activity when our commute consists of a few steps from the bedroom to the home office.  Now, new research from King’s College London has confirmed that almost half of people who moved … Read more