How To Make Money On YouTube In 2024

YouTube stars are today’s self-made celebrities—people who have earned an audience by creating video content geared toward teaching, entertaining, reviewing, and being awesome on the web. Making money on YouTube might not be your reason for starting a channel, but the opportunities to earn are a pleasant surprise once you realize how many of them … Read more

‘Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it’ – The Irish Times

Disrespect – it can come from complete strangers or close friends. Partners, parents, children, colleagues, friends and strangers can sometimes make us feel disregarded. And we can do it to them too. Did a stranger skip the queue? Has someone who should be helping ignored you? Is a friend always late? Or maybe a loved … Read more

Here’s How to Set Up a VPN on Your Apple TV

A virtual private network, or VPN, protects you by encrypting your online communications — helping to keep your sensitive information away from prying eyes. But privacy isn’t the only reason to use a VPN. One of the most popular reasons for using a VPN is to get access to movies and TV shows on streaming … Read more

Social Security benefits for workers who have pensions may be reduced

Richard Stephen | Istock | Getty Images When Joyce Debnam’s husband passed away, she began receiving $1,400 a month in Social Security survivor benefits. Eight months later, that income unexpectedly changed. The trigger: Debnam retired from her job at the United States Postal Service in 2013 after four decades of service. That life change prompted … Read more