How to Avoid Being Boring at 60

By Rob LaZebnik Nov. 23, 2023 9:00 pm ET Listen to article (2 minutes) When I recently turned 60, I realized with alarm that I was starting to see unmistakable signs from friends and colleagues that I was becoming—there’s no easy way to put this—boring. It was almost as if the same stories I had … Read more

How to make small talk if you are to succeed socially this Christmas

“Hello, lovely to meet you. So, how much do you weigh?”  Don’t worry, you needn’t answer unless you wish to. But you’ll agree it’s a useful reminder of how not to make small talk if you want to succeed socially this Christmas. You might assume it’s intuitive to avoid highly personal questions when shooting the … Read more

Fallen autumn leaves are a valuable resource – here’s how to make the most of them

Towards the end of autumn the days get colder and shorter. This triggers the reduction of the plant hormone auxin in most deciduous trees, which start to shed their leaves. In natural woodlands, this isn’t an issue. Fallen leaves gather on the ground and eventually decompose, recycling their nutrients back into the soil to support … Read more

Black Friday: How to identify fake online shops

With the kick-off to holiday shopping, much of which has become digital, cybercriminals are capitalising on the surge in online activity to carry out fraud, according to Netcraft’s research fake retail sites rose by 135 percent as of the end of October 2023, during Black Friday and Cyber Monday frenzy. The report disclosed that fake … Read more

How to adopt a child

The adoption process To give a child the best possible outcome, the process to become an adoptive parent is thorough and can be lengthy.  It involves an application and assessment to make sure that the person is capable of fulfilling the responsibilities of an adoptive parent. The need for permanent carers and adoptive parents is … Read more

FDR Taught Us How to Talk Politics on Thanksgiving

Politics / November 23, 2023 The 32nd president used his holiday proclamations to call for “the establishment on earth of freedom, brotherhood, and justice.” Ad Policy Thanksgiving 1933. (Bettmann / Corbis / Bettmann Archive) Robert Reich offers advice for holiday gatherings with family members and friends who may not be aligned ideologically: Talk politics. Just … Read more